Tale of twisted roads with endless thoughts

New day..
New thought..
Riding through the bus,  listening 10CM I felt utterly romantic with furry cotton candy flowing with wind.. those fur like seeds were trying to reach their destination but to me they were giving feeling of romanticism..
I was overwhelmed and awed with nature foreplay..little things that make you feel ultra cheesy..
I'm bit of old school type and I feel more connected when I'm in nature..
Every portion of nature has something to tell.. some stories, some life lessons.. they fill your heart with love, that you can't stop yourself from gushing...
Whenever I take my journey by road I see so many wildflowers growing on hardest terrain with most beautiful flowering,  painting the terrain in beautiful colors and making them more aesthetic... Sometimes I have the thought of plucking them and bringing them home but I already know the consequences and my this dream is shattered in minutes, because I knew that they won't survive in my cozy home..they will only survive in harsh terrain where they are not bothered and let to be grown as they want, they will absorb at much they want, they know their needs and knows how to handle them for proper flourishing..they will be more happy when they will be left alone and we let them live their lives on their on terms..same is with human nature, sometimes forcing things on them will only spoil them and will kill them..we should let them live their dreams and do everything slowly according to their needs..
Other than this nature is so beautiful, I love how every turn of road takes you to another world.. long pine trees shows you ways to touch the the sky without any limit and survive even in hardest..
Means I'm always enchanted I don't know you get that feeling or not but I always think that nature is beautiful and so is every natural creation..they are thriving, surviving looking beautiful in their own pace, without any judgements and restrictions..
This is what a real life should look like..
And this journey will continue collecting memories and lessons enjoying everything at its own pace..
I hope you resonates little with my thoughts..
Time has come to stop these wild thoughts and meet you next time till then bye
Keep me in your prayers 
Keep loving nature
Keep finding joys
Your friendly Vet


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