Hitches of being young female government officer

Ok so starting with this topic ..let me introduce myself..
I'm Dr.Sameeksha 28 years old recently posted as Veterinary officer in small village of Himachal Pradesh..
So I'm going to talk about the problems I faced being a young lady vet ..
 Casually speaking we all know that I'm not so young to be called young but everyone don't thinks the same way..
Talking about my looks I look much younger than my real age and talking about my dressing I prefer to wear comfy clothes ..now here taking about comfort being vet i have to enter sheds, grasses, shrubs , bushes to treat my patients and due to that i prefer to wear comfy jeans with jackets n coats ..
Why I'm telling you all this is because that also plays a crucial role in judgement of people...
According to people doctor image is that:
🍀He should be male
🍀If lady, she should be old, wear suits and should look older
If these are not the criteria then they are not ready to accept you as a doctor...
I faced this alot, people coming to me getting their animal treated and then ignore you like who are you??
Even in big functions they use to ignore you because you are young, female girl and don't look like doctor (haha according to them) and not even local...
Why is their image typing and stereotyping of doctors ...when everyone is changing..world is changing why we have that one image in our mind ..
Why can't we accept the reality that yes 
Young's can be doctors
Girls can be doctors 
Girls in western can be doctors 
This is the high time that we change this ..
Society should change..
Acceptance is the key of development..
We should try to change the world and try to incorporate these habits in our coming generations..
In the end I would just say show humanity and love everyone needs that 
Jai hind

Yours friendly vet
Dreamingvet ™


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