Hello everyone. I hope you all are safe at your home. Today I’m going to talk about most important and frequent problem that dog owners face, ALOPECIA/ Hair fall. It’s quite annoying to see hairs all over your house. Sometimes it gets quite frustrating no matter how much you love your dog. Alopecia can affect dogs of any breeds gender or age. While dogs normally shed on regular basis due to natural molting, most commonly  twice a year during spring and fall. Still these even patchy coats due to seasonal change differentiated from alopecia.

Breeds having short coat (e.g., Labrador Retrievers, Huskies, Doberman Pinschers, , etc.) have more rich undercoats, resulting in greater shedding while longer coated breeds (e.g., Poodles, Yorkshire terriers, Golden Retrievers, etc.) have continuously growing hairs with longer life spans therefore they shed very little and require more regular grooming and brushing. So now question is when an owner should worry about their pet’s hair fall?

            Alopecia is basically term used for complete hair loss, bald spots, thinning fur or patchy fur. Bald spots are common in breeds like Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, Greyhounds, Whippets & are mostly harmless in them.


·         Shedding more hair than normal

·         Overall hair loss, thinning of fur

·         Loss of hair around the eyes and mouth

·         Patches of baldness which can be circular or irregularly shaped.

·    Symmetrical hair loss that appears in the same pattern on both sides of the body (mostly congenital)

·         Crusting and inflammation or red patches around the area of hair loss of the skin

·         Scaly skin may be present

·         Itchiness and wounds caused by scratching

·         Discolored, dark, or grey patches of skin

·         Oozing or bleeding around areas of hair loss (typically a secondary condition)

·         Dog’s hair brittle or dry coat

·         Over grooming (dog licking and chewing more than usual)

·         Dandruff

·      Foul odour


·         Pressure sores

·         Friction (from a collar, for example)

·         Nervous behavior like chewing or licking

·         Self-trauma and/or scarring

·         Post-surgical clipping

·         Infection (bacterial, yeast or fungal)

·         Ringworm (fungal infection)

·         Allergies (fleas, food, environmental, contact)

·         Mites (Mange)

·         Abnormality in growth of the hair shaft

·         Hormonal disease such as Thyroid disorder, Cushing’s disease or Sex hormone imbalance

·         Exposure to chemotherapy

·         Skin cancer

·         Genetics or inherited (certain breeds develop hair loss in adulthood on ears, chest, thighs)

·         Immune mediated e.g. pemphigus and alopecia areata

Multiple missing patches of hair can be associated with an inflammation of the hair follicle indicating conditions like ringworm, bacterial infection, mites, or mange. A more extensive area of hair loss may indicate specific disease pattern. Generalized hair loss could be a sign of mange or bacterial infection. Hair loss in the back and tail base area is usually flea allergy. Hair loss from the paws and face is frequently environmental allergies (atopy). Symmetrical hair loss could be a sign of hormonal imbalances such as adrenal gland disorder, thyroid disorder, or abnormal sex hormone levels.


If you notice your dog losing fur then contact your vet for an advice. Problem of hairfall may appear normal to you but some of the diseases causing alopecia are more serious making condition of dog more miserable. If reason of alopecia are parasites, bacterial, or fungal infections than these may be transmissible to you or other pets as well as. Your veterinarian will find out the cause of alopecia by doing skin scrapings for parasites, physical examination, blood tests, and skin cultures or biopsies and will give treatment accordingly.  If underlying cause is managed your pet’s fur will return back to its normal.


Complete elimination of dog hair loss is mainly impossible. But as a pet owner you can execute some measures to reduce the hair loss.

·         Make sure hair accessories are not applied too tightly.

·     Alopecia due to a genetic or auto-immune causes are not preventable but may be narrowed for future generations with selective breeding.

·         You can improve healthy coat of your pet by feeding nutritionally balanced diet & supplementing their meals with omega-3 & 6 fatty acids to keep the skin healthy and supple.

·    Keeping your pet protected against fleas, ticks and other parasites by applying monthly parasite control and preventatives recommended by your vet.

·    Fish oil, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E can be given they help with dry skin and certain skin infections keeping fur shiny and in good shape.

·         If alopecia is due to dog chewing and licking then you may require an Elizabethan collar to stop the behavior.

·       Hot spots around the face can be caused by plastic food bowls which may develop tiny cracks that can harbor bacteria leading to reactions in sensitive dogs. So replace plastic with stainless, glass or ceramic food bowls and keep them clean.

·    Always wipe the dog down with a wet towel when they return from outside. This helps in decreasing percutaneous absorption of allergens.

·         Always brush your dog after the bath so that all unwanted hair on the dog’s coat is removed. Regular baths promote falling down of loose hair but remember! Over-bathing can cause dry skin, which causes fur to fall out. Always towel dry your dog then give them blow dry to get rid of loose hairs.


Home remedies can be used for treating dog hair loss. Although they are safe and provide temporary relief, before implementing anything definite opinion should be taken from a your vet.

·      One of best way to reduce excessive shedding is to replace the name brand store-bought dog food with a more natural brand food. Introduce some properly balanced homemade pet diet, after discussing with your vet.

·      You can mix small amount of flaxseed oil in your dog food. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids excellent to treat dogs with dry, itchy skin and hair coat.

·      Olive oil also helps to give your dog fine and healthy coat with an amazing shine. If you see hair loss in your pet, give him gentle olive oil massage. It will not only moisturize but also soothe pain caused by severe itching. If fleas or mites are the cause of dog’s hair loss it chokes them. But be careful don’t let them sit on furniture for some time ðŸ˜…😅.

·      Aloe Vera also works well for hair loss. It soothes the hair loss caused by itching on your dog’s skin.

·      You can treat hot spots with equal parts of Listerine, baby oil and water. Put all three in a spray bottle, and massage a small amount into the skin three times daily. Clearly, caution is indicated and veterinary supervision is a must.

·      Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties so can be used to treat excessive hair shedding in dogs. Put a slice of lemon in warm water and after five hours strain and apply the mixture as a rinse or as a spot treatment.

·      Apple cider vinegar acidic nature makes it a natural antifungal & antibacterial. So it can be applied on irritated skin to clean out any allergen. You can either dab it on your dog’s skin or try adding few drops in their bath.

So my final words are before trying any of the above home remedies you should always consult your veterinarian. Get the cause of alopecia diagnosed by your vet. Always remember that treatment with home remedies is a steady and long process results can’t be obtained overnight.

With this I’m ending my discussion for any queries you can comment below.

Soon we will meet again. Till then bye. Spread love and positivity.




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