Annyeong chingu!!  
I wish you all are doing fine.. just going through my instagram timeline and what I found that i had met alot of dogs during my trekking. To tell you I had been to rohtang pass, kareri lake, serolsar lake, raghunath fort, shangarh, chitkul, sangla, Nako, kheerganga trek, indrahaar pass, triund top, thamsar pass, birni devi, adi chamunda devi trek and 2-3 little hikes...and i must say that what i loved the most about these places....any guesses??? i know you most have guessed it seeing the title (you all are smart!!!!). Yes the answer is FLUFFY DOGSSSSSSS....
Everytime I was  accompanied by a dog or group of dogs in my all of the above mentioned treks and you know what's the best thing?? I never put any extra efforts. They were just welcoming us with the wagging tails. Little food for them and they become yours.. you won't believe some dogs even traveled up till the endπŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
Let me tell you one secret thing.. according to local folklore in Himachal Pradesh, due to their sudden magical appearances inside deep forests such dogs are called as ghost dogs because they enhances the mysteriousness of trekking. Locals also believe that these ghost dogs are the spirits of loyal canines and even after death these spectral canines guide and protect trekkers, appearing and disappearing at will.
 Culturally, locals  believe that dogs are loyal and protective so their spirits are considered kind-hearted. Therefore belief on ghost dogs reflects the region's cultural and spiritual practices, highlighting a deep bond between humans and nature.
We all  had heard many legends( actually they are recent stories but when angels like them are involved it become legend!!!) which tells how dogs rescued trekkers in snow and provided them heat and saved there lives and even showed correct roads and trails to lost trekkers and even saved them from wild animals.
Do you think any breed dogs can do this??... and being VET I know the answer is BIG NOOOOOOO!!!!!! so what makes desi mountain dogs do all this??  Actually thing is indie dogs are really hardy, they are made up for this terrain and harsh climates, they can survive without food and water for many days, and are resistant to many diseases on contrary breed dogs are really timid, gentle, sensitive and they can't adapt to  harsh conditions that easily.. that's why there survival rate is less specially at the time of critical and threatening situation. 
These desi dogs are are not only smart, friendly, vigrous but also have purrfect buildup. They prefer to live independently but at the same time they are quite social and i may guarantee that you will never regret patting a desi dogs...I'm telling you they can kill you with there cuteness and twinkling eyes!!!
In hikes these dogs are best suited due to there good grip at territory. They  can help you to reach your destination even without getting lost.. when the forest is getting deep and dangerous they will remain stick to you and will even save you from dangers.
They are really good guarding dogs and good trekking guide..(seriously I'm telling you we don't need trekker to guide us if we have these dogs, without money they do there work..totally free!!)
HaHa.... I'm telling you this because i did my all treks without any trekking club or trekking site... and still i enjoyed and you very well know the reason....
So next time, in your next trek don't forget to meet friendly dogs and pat them with beautiful smile and sweetest voice....until then take care of indie dogs around you and if you are planning to buy a dog I most tell you mongrels/ indie/ desi dogs are the best (trust me I'm Vet)
With this i wind up.... Annyeong..... see you soon ..
Stay safe 
Stay home..
After reading this don't start making plans for your next treks as situations are still worst..

