How to boost immune system of your pets at the time of global pandemic COVID-19

During COVID-19 outbreak when situation is getting worse outside one thing which we all love is that we got chance to spend time with our family and pets. Every pet on this earth must be confused that why humans are staying at home. But whatever be the scenario we all know that our pets love to see us close to them (that makes them even more cuter!!). For them our presence at home is the most astonishing gift they can ever think of.
As we all know it’s already clarified by studies that pets don’t spread corona virus so we don’t need to panic over that. But our pets still need our outmost care because situation outside is more critical and our pets are not able to go outside for normal walks as they usually use to do, creating situation more miserable. One way they are happy and the other way they are sad and anxious so these behavioral changes may be the cause of concern for pet parents.
So today I am going to talk over those issues which are bothering every pet parents that how they are going to manage their pet daily routine at time of such disastrous pandemic so that they can be carefree as we humans are:
  • ·    To decrease the level of anxiety in your fur balls give them lots of snuggles, naps, and playtime!! This will not only decrease your stress level but your pet will also have a feeling of being at seventh sky!! This will also promote relaxation and healing, which, in turn going to affect overall health of your pets. 
  • ·       You should always provide peaceful and silent area for your pet so that they can rest and take break from busy schedule of serving you (with their cuteness!!)
  • ·        Try to make schedules for your pets e.g.  for walks, playtime, and meals this will not only decrease their stress but it will be easy for you to manage your work schedules accordingly
  • ·         During work hours to  prevent disruptions, give your pet ample amount of exercise, food and water along with cozy space  away from work area
  • ·         Exercise is really important not only for you but also for your furry friends, so to keep your pets physically active you can try playing with them using ball and different toys of their choices.
  • ·         You can also offer treats to your pets to encourage them for exercises, climbing and playing.
  • ·         To keep your pet busy you can teach them new tricks, behaviors and activities, such as brushing their teeth, clipping nails and cleaning ears.
  • ·         Whether you are sick or healthy, always follow basic hygiene rules when handling and caring for your pets (because you can spread virus to your fur friends!!), so always wash your hands before and after you handle their food, supplies and toys.
  • ·         If you are taking your pet in the yard or for a walk outside maintain suitable distance from other people and pets. As you return back wipe down your dog’s paws

Such activities will make your pet stronger and would keep them away from stress and anxiety and you will also be at ease.
Physical health can be maintained by proper nutritional balanced diet which will boost their immune system and will also make them stronger against all the infections. To stay healthy, pets require balanced diet which includes protein, carbohydrates (which include fiber), fats, vitamins, minerals and water in their diet. However, the quantities will vary depending on the pet’s stage of life. Balance diet act as keystone of good immune health and good for your pet's internal functions.
Usually pet diet can be made at home using cereal and cereal by-products, meat and fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fats and oils, common salts and various additives like vitamins, preservatives etc. You can also feed probiotics to your fur balls for their boosting immune system
·         Never feed expiry date feed stuffs to your pet
·         Avoid giving left over’s to your pet, if you want then you should be fully aware of what is and harmful for your pet
·         Avoid giving chocolate, coffee, soft drinks, foods containing xylitol, chewing gum, fatty meat, citrus, salty foods, raw dough, garlic, onions, dairy products(lactose intolerant dogs) , sugar products, baked products, grapes, raisins, avocados to your pets  because they are not good for their health
·         You can feed your pets with fish, bread, eggs, spinach, chicken, green beans, broccoli, yogurt, peanut butter, cottage cheese, carrots, oatmeal, peas, bananas, pumpkin and apples
·         Incorporate changes in diet of your pets, don't feed them just one type of food, such as meat or chicken. Like their owners pets like diversity too, so try to include grains and vegetables into your pets diet so they can enjoy well managed, nutritionally rich diet.
·         Don’t make sudden changes in your pet diet if you want to shift your pet from commercial food to homemade food start by adding a little bit of bland, unseasoned chicken, meat, or vegetables in pet's feed. Gradually keep on adding little more homemade food and less kibble each day.
To boost immune system of your pet provide them with combination of healthy balanced food, probiotics, exercise along with lots of hugs and kisses.  So keeping all this things in mind I think you all will give more love to your pet along with healthy nutrition and lifestyle..
Let’s meet next time till then stay at home, stay safe, stay healthy not just for you but even for your pet for whom you are their everything
